4 Quotes & Sayings By Gabrielle Williams

Gabrielle Williams is the author of the popular series, The Hunter's Daughter. She is also the author of The Warrior's Daughter, The Chosen One, The Survivor's Daughter, and Deep in the Heart of Texas.

And hard times are good in their own way, too....
And hard times are good in their own way, too. Because the only way you can achieve true happiness is if you experience true sadness as well. It's all about light and shade. Balance. Gabrielle Williams
I wonder if I'm being disloyal, if being with Didier means I'm forgetting about Jones. But every time I go in a drain, or past a church, I think of him. Every time I see a can of Coke, I think of Jones. And don't even start me on how I feel when I see department-store Santas. A girl doesn't forget a guy like Jones in a big hurry. Even ow, when none of us are front-page news any longer, he's always in my head. My name is Dodie. Doe - as in don't change a thing (well, a couple of things I'd change). Dee - as in delighted to have known you, Sebastian Worthington Jones. Dodie Farnshaw. . Gabrielle Williams
You know what they say about mistakes though, ' she said, all breathy and half-lipsy. 'It's the only way you ever learn anything.' And she leant forward and kissed him. Right there, in the middle of the bar. Right there, in the middle of his lips. Gabrielle Williams